Since 1976, we have partnered with thousands of organizations & facilities professionals across North America to help them select the right products to light their campuses and equip them with the products to create clean, organized work & life spaces.

Custom Facility product Solutions

We love creating custom lighting & supply solutions that meet your needs. Metro Lighting serves partners in many different industries, including Fortune 500 campuses, property management firms, school districts, municipalities, manufacturing facilities, and many more. We can cater to your needs and work within your budgets whether you are a locally owned small business or have national presence.

Personalized Support

Think of us as your facilities coach. We have 40+ years of experience and the responsive service to back it up. We are just a call, text or email away from making sure you have everything you need to run your facility. In an age of virtual (everything) we offer a highly personalized experience based on building relationships.